Tipo di iscrizione

A.Individual members:
Persons from European countries who identify with the aims of ECA-EC and would like to contribute to and col-laborate with the association.

B.Family members:
Families from European countries who identify with the aims of ECA-EC and would like to contribute to and col-laborate with the association. "Family'means here one or two adults and their children under 27 years of age living at the same address.

C.Member choirs:
Choirs from European countries that identify with the aims of ECA-EC and would like to contribute to and collab-orate with the association.

D.Member organisations:

Not-for-profit choral and conductors'organisations in Europe and other non-profit organisations working for the development and promotion of vocal music in Europe that identify with the aims of ECA-EC and would like to contribute to and collaborate with the association.Types of choral organisations:

D.1.Major choral umbrella organisations:

Organisations that operate on a national level and have choir organisations(national, specialised organisa tions and/or regional organisations) as members.

> Special membership advantages in addition to those mentioned above:

“Indirect membership in the European Choral Association -Europa Cantat"applies to all members of the members of the umbrella organisation- in some countries this means that practically all choirs/singers/conductors of a given country are considered as indirect members

> Votes at General Assembly: 30 votes

D.2.National choral organisations or similar organisations (e.g. in autonomous regions)
Organisations that operate on a national level (or in an autonomous region)and have choirs and/or individual singers and/or smaller organisations as members
> Special membership advantages in addition to those mentioned above:
"Indirect membership in the European Choral Association-Europa Cantat" applies to all members of the organisation*
> Votes at General Assembly: 26 votes
D.3.Other organisations:
Small organisations that either are specialised (e.g. in children's choirs or another specific type of choir) or have a very limited number of choirs or a very limited budget,local or regional organisations, organisations that do not have members.
>Special membership advantages in addition to those mentioned above:
For choral organisations: "Indirect membership in the European Choral Association -Europa Cantat"” to all members of the organisation.* For umbrella organisations with a limited budget which fall under this category, the indirect membership will NOT apply to all members of their members.
> Votes at General Assembly: 10 votes
NB:Not-for-profit organisations working for the development and promotion of vocal music which are not choral organisations and do not have choirs or choral organisations as members,e.g.choral centres,
organisers of choral events etc., either fall under this category of membership, or they can join the European Choral Association-Europa Cantat as partners (see below). In this case, the principle of indirect membership cannot be applied.

Associations operating on a regional, national or international level that have individual choral conductors as members.
>Special membership advantages in addition to those mentioned above:
"Indirect membership in the European Choral Association -Europa Cantat" applies to all members of the organization*, i.e.to the conductors personally, though not to their respective choirs. Conductors associations can send their membership lists to ECA-EC so that their members receive
ECA-EC publications.
> Votes at General Assembly: 5 votes

*This rule of indirect membership for members of members does not apply to:
-Member organisations that have not paid their membership fee for the previous year
-Member organisations in country group 3 where indirect membership cannot be checked
-Umbrella organisations that decide to join as organisations in group D.3
- Organisations or institutions that do not have regular members