LXIV Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod


Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod takes place on Tuesday 7th July - Sunday 12th July 2020.

The home of the International Eisteddfod is the idyllic small town of Llangollen in North Wales. The main competitions are held in the 3800 capacity Royal International Pavilion, with activities on our Outside Stages, as well as public performances in the town and a number of locations across North East Wales.
There are a number of exciting new competitions this year which we hope will inspire you to come and join us at this truly international celebration of all things musical and dance. 

A - Choral

B - Vocal Solos

C - Dance

D - Solo Dance

E - Group Instrumental Ensemble

F - Solo Instrumental

G - Musical Composition

H - Non-Competitive Participation

Programma di soggiorno
Come partecipare alla gara?
TBC due to pandemic.
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